Arctic Innovation Forum Sweden Kalix March 2019
Join the “Glocal” community of Thinkers, Creatives, and Disruptive Innovators in he #arcticinnovationforum Connect and collaborate with people in similar roles, pursuing similar objectives and facing similar challenges: people that you wish you had more of in your company.
The essential Innovation Forum in the Arctic region.
Most large companies are talking about SMART 4.0 – Innovation and Design Thinking. Are you ready for the challenge?
Our events are based on the Learning by Doing approach, with questions and reflections in a collaborative and relaxed environment. We avoid long-winded speeches and boring presentations. Instead, we dive straight into debate and discussion based on real cases from industries worldwide.
Arctic Innovation Forum in Kalix creates positive change in the region by engaging leaders, organisations, and government. Bringing together citizens, innovators and building networks between entrepreneurs, enterprises, and inventors to discuss the latest trends in innovation, design, creativity, R&D and product development. You can expect a high agenda with experienced worldwide speakers, global players, and intense networking.
This conference is for you
Entrepreneurs, owners, government, CEO and leaders from small and medium enterprises with future vision. Young professionals were eager to start-up their own business. Founders from Scandinavia and Russia. Disruptors who want to acquire and learn the necessary skills and tools to kick-start the new era of innovation.
- International speakers with extensive knowledge and experience
- Lectures and workshops with state-of-the-art content
- Opportunity to network and share knowledge
- An authentic experience of learning and knowledge-sharing
- Learn from real success cases
Welcome to Kalix
Bringing together citizens, innovators and building networks between entrepreneurs, enterprises, and inventors to discuss the latest trends in innovation, design, creativity, R&D and product development. #arcticinnovationforum
The #arcticinnivationforum Forum aims to discuss innovation from many different viewpoints. Innovation is not the same as invention. Innovation for your customers, users, and citizens is most often a simplification of doing things. The taking away of hurdles. The improvement of the quality of interaction and process, both in the end result but also in the process of creating and delivering innovation. The main contributor to this is Design Thinking – a method of working that turns the old way of moving from idea to execution on its head, and instead encourages experimentation and end-user involvement, to quickly iterate your way to an unexpected, but often much more effective, solution.
Offer to you 4 workshops in where you will find how you can improve, understand and use in your normal day with your team :
1.- Scrum & agile team process ;
2.- How the Happiness contribute and grow the productivity;
3.- Through Design Thinking you can discover the customer needs
4.- Discover the UX experience ; the most important AHA moment for your customers.